(Asana practice, biomechanics, teaching skills, pranayama, communication, voice technique, pedagogy, physical rehab yoga). Josephine is an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance, a member of The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and head teacher for trainings at the Nordic Yoga Institute RYS (NordiskaYogainstitutet). Josephine’s extensive training includes in-depth courses in Anusara yoga, Ashtanga yoga and Yoga Therapeutics in the USA, Great Britain and India. During the last twenty years, the practice and philosophy of Zen buddhism has been a strong anchor in Josephine’s life and has informed both her teaching and her personal outlook. She is the author of five books on yoga.
In 2007 she taught Virya yoga in more than 60 episodes on Swedish television.
As a former actress Josephine has over ten years of experience in teaching communication and presentation techniques for big companies. She holds a Bachelor Degree in TV production, Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA).(Read more here and Josephine’s full bio here.)
(Anatomy, asana practice, biomechanics, rehab yoga. Teaches in Stockholm, Malmö, Spain & India). Robin is a physiotherapist and Virya Yoga teacher, currently working towards his 500 hour certification. His background is in geriatric, neurologic and podiatric physical therapy, knee and hip related problems, and rehabilitation for people with balance and back dysfunction. Robin has a private clinic in Stockholm, combining physical therapy with yoga; focusing on rehabilitation for musculoskeletal problems, injury prevention and yoga therapy; he also works as a personal trainer. Robin is one of the anatomy teachers, and part of the Virya Rehab-team.
(Anatomy, asana practice, biomechanics, rehab yoga. Teaches in Oslo & India). Britt trained for 3.5 years to become a yoga and meditation teacher in Classical Yoga at the Yoga Teacher’s College in Norway. She has further education in prenatal yoga, the 200 hour training in Virya Yoga, and is registered as a 200 hour teacher with the Yoga Alliance. Additionally, Britt is currently training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, basic medicine, aromatherapy and classic massage. She has more than 25 years of teaching experience in individual training, various group training classes, dance and theatre, and has academic and development responsibilities for instructors in the fitness industry.
Britt runs her own studio in Lillehammer, and is a RYT-200 in Virya Yoga.
(Asana practice, teaching skills, pedagogy. Teaches in Stockholm). Helena has been an Anusara-inspired teacher and Virya Yoga teacher since 2005. She teaches yoga from her own life experiences and a heartfelt wish to convey to others the transforming and healing potential in yoga. Helena’s classes are valued for their knowledge, clarity and warmth and how her philosophical themes inspire and awaken something deep within. She is the owner of the yoga studio Yoga Shakti in Stockholm. www.yogashakti.se
(Asana practice, teaching skills, pedagogy, Teaches in Oslo). With a wide background in many forms of movement, Maria has had a dedicated regular yoga practice for many years. She is a certified Virya Yoga Teacher and Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200, Yoga Alliance, USA) and Anusara Inspired Instructor® . All of the teachers she has studied with have greatly inspired her passion for precise alignment and guidance. Maria teaches yoga full-time with a current base in Oslo. She travels widely, leading worldwide yoga retreats throughout the year, and inspiring people to live their lives to the fullest. Maria continues to study and draw inspiration from many yoga traditions. www.rommelyoga.blogspot.no
(Practical biomechanics. Teaches in Spain & India) Alex is a certified yoga teacher in the tradition of B.K.S. Iyengar (Sebastian Kneipp Akademie Germany), he also trained in India (Pune Iyengar institute, Rishikesh: Rudra and Usha Devi). In his classes Alex applies his extensive knowledge of Iyengar-yoga, biomechanics and yoga-therapy, which equips him to confidently teach students of different levels, body types and health problems. Currently Alex teaches classes and conducts workshops in Goa (India), as well as workshops in Europe and Russia. Alex lives with his family in India and Russia. Read more: www.yogoa.ru
(Anatomy, biomechanics, rehab yoga. Teaches in Stockholm, Malmö & Oslo). Malin is a certified sports and dance naprapath specializing in manual and sports medicine. She developed the Virya yoga series together with Josephine Selander and has played a significant part in the development of rehab yoga. She has completed several Teacher Trainings with Doug Keller in Therapeutic yoga.
(Philosophy. Teaches in Stockholm, Malmö, Oslo & Spain). Klas Nevrin is one of Sweden’s foremost researchers on the history of yoga. He has presented his work at international conferences on the study of yoga, and has published a number of important articles on the subject. Klas is devoted to finding non-academic ways of making philosophy relevant to the personal practice of yoga and meditation. In Virya trainings, Klas focuses on the responsibilities of being a Yoga teacher, including how to develop a non-authoritarian pedagogy, inspired by non-violent communication. Klas has been practicing yoga and meditation since the mid-90′s. He has a Masters Degree in History of Religions from Stockholm University (including Sanskrit / Indology and Philosophy). During 2004 to 2009 he attended the Doctoral Candidate Program, specializing in the history and philosophy of yoga. Klas is also a professional musician and teaches at the Royal College of Music. Find out more: modernyogaresearch.org/people/
(Therapeutical yoga, rehab yoga, asana practice, biomechanics. Teaches in Stockholm.)
Doug has a background in Iyengar Yoga and he got to know the founder of Anusara Yoga, John Friend, when he was studying Siddha Yoga in India. For several years Doug collaborated with John and during the last decade Doug has developed his own language in therapeutic yoga; his knowledge of biomechanics is amazing. With his humble attitude and laid back style, he can convey even the most complicated concepts in an accessible way. Doug is a part of Virya yoga team focusing on yoga therapeutics and physical rehab yoga www.doyoga.com
(Anatomy, biomechanics, asana practice, philosophy. Teaches in India & Stockholm).
Megan is an E-RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance, a member of The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), has a master’s degree in public health, and a PhD in disability studies. Her study and practice of yoga is widely informed by her own experience with rehabilitation after knee surgery and, later, after a car accident in which her neck, back and hips were injured. She is currently working on a 500 hour therapeutic Swatantraya certification with Doug Keller; she has also studied extensively with the amazing Jenny Otto as well as Matthew Sanford, Donna Farhi, John Friend and Tias Little. Megan’s classes and trainings introduce many different concepts from yoga, body work and movement therapies through her innovative use of props and non-traditional asana modifications. She teaches anatomy and therapeutics for the 200h at Flow Yoga Center in DC, plus many therapeutic CEU workshops in her own organization. Read more: www.yogaforliberation.com
(Anatomy, biomechanics, physical rehab yoga. Teaches in Stockholm, Malmö & Oslo). Charlotte is a certified naprapath with a background in manual and sports medicine. She teaches massage, anatomy, physiology, sports medicine, motivation, stress management and yoga.
(Yoga and research, Physical Rehab yoga. Teaches in Stockholm, Malmö & Oslo).
Educated in Iyengar Yoga, Marian’s articles on the effects of yoga have been published in “SvenskIdrottsforskning”. She holds a masters degree in preventive medicine / public health sciences from KarolinskaInsititutet. Marian authored the highly respected book “Yoga på djupet”. Read more: www.funktionellyoga.se
(Rhetoric. Teaches in Stockholm, Spain and India.)
Fredrik is a consultant specializing in communication, rhetoric, drama, and oral presentations, whose clients include several Swedish companies as well as Stockholm University. Fredrik also works as a film producer.
(Yoga therapeutics. Teaches in Stockholm.)
Sundari’s life has been richly informed by her 30 years in the study and practice of yoga. She began teaching yoga in 1987 after graduating from the Iyengar Yoga Institute. She also holds certifications in Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy. Sundari met John Friend, the founder of Anusara Yoga, in 1996 and later became his student. A certified Anusara teacher, her allegiance to this powerful and heart-opening system has greatly inspired her extensive knowledge in the field of yoga and yoga therapeutics.
Sara is a Certified Virya yoga teacher and a Personal Trainer. Her background is in dance and pedagogics; she has always been interested in communication. With Virya yoga, all her passions came together: health, travels, people and yoga. Sara is teaching at the level 1 trainings.
♥ Du är välkommen att påbörja din 200-tim utbildning eller rehabyoga-utbildning när som helst under året.
Mars 2025
15-16 mars
Workshop, Hotyoga, Höllviken
Augusti 2025
31 juli – 3 augusti
Yoga & ACT, Retreat Österlen
Nordiska Yogainstitutet Viryayoga AB
Borgmästargatan 7, 116 29 Stockholm
+46 768- 81 21 86