To order any of Josephine Selander’s books or dvd:s, visit our shop:
Learn more about Virya yoga:
– Våga Yoga (It’s all yoga!) book & dvd
– Dynamisk Yoga (Dynamic yoga) book & dvd
– Yoga från insidan (Yoga from Within) book & dvd
– Yoga för dig (Yoga for you) – about ayurveda, book
– Yoga & ACT book
Yoga & ACT (bo
In Swedish. More information here.
Yoga för dig/Yoga for you (book)
About yoga & ayurveda.
In Swedish. More information here.
Virya yoga level 3
Would you like to explore what your yoga practice offers on a deeper level? In Josephine Selander’s third book, Yoga från insidan (Yoga from Within), you are guided through the biomechanics of yoga and given helpful advice on how even small adjustments and details can take your practice to a new level. To gain an even better understanding of how your muscles operate the book includes detailed anatomic illustrations – knowledge that is also useful in your everyday life! This book is the first of its kind in Swedish.
The second part of Yoga from Within describes the fun and comprehensive postures along with the sequences in Virya yoga level 3. Modifications are shown for each posture, so you don’t have to be an acrobat to enjoy them! The dvd-film version, filmed in Thailand, will soon be launched. (Available in Swedish, English, and German on chosen tracks.)
Reviews from readers:
“I’m totally in love with this new book that Josephine Selander has devised. It’s a work of art, a dictionary, and a bible that explains the workings of biomechanics in yoga – all in one book! It has inspired me to step onto my yoga mat, with candles and soothing music.”
Linda Dahlqvist
“I’m completely hooked! Again! This is the third time that Josephine has found a way straight into my yoga soul!”
Helene Ekfors
Dynamisk yoga/Dynamic Yoga
Viryayoga level 2
In Swedish. More information here.
Review of “Dynamisk yoga” DVD
“This DVD has everything: a challenging program, clear instructions, beautiful backgrounds, and an attitude that is professional, encouraging, and relaxed. The entire body gets a thorough workout, but even new a-ha moments, both physically and mentally.”
Rated “5” (on a 1-5 scale) in Fitness Magazine, June 2007
Book review for “Dynamisk yoga”
“The book is organized in an easy-to-follow manner with pictures depicting each movement, making it easier for anyone who wants to do their yoga at home. You also get to learn how the effects the positions have different parts of the body as well as their benefits. Combining pictures from Swedish yoga schools alongside photographs from India makes the book all the more inspiring. Recommended, as a handbook it works really well.”
Leva Magazine, June 2006
Virya yoga level 1
“It’s all Yoga” is a most inspiring book, filled with beautiful photos from India and Thailand. The author describes the philosophical roots of yoga and how yoga can improve our daily life. The book presents in details all the exercises for Virya yoga level 1, which will make you feel strong and energized. Also available as a DVD with the full level 1 series.
Book review for “Våga yoga”
“Josephine Selander’s new book, “Våga Yoga; Yoga Philosopsy in Everyday Life and Virya Yoga from its Roots” has managed to join Buddhist philosophy with yoga’s most vital lessons in a way that’s easy to understand and follow. The book is divided into two sections: the first part discusses philosophy, and the second part illustrates the practical session. The exercises easily illustrate and include fun tips along with factual explanations. It is a beautiful, colorful book that bubbles with joy combined with pure wisdom. Most readers, from beginners to the most hardened yogis, are going to get good use out of it. One of the best Swedish yoga books!”
Leva Magazine, November 2008